Questa pianta é stata scoperta da alcuni acquaristi in Tailandia, vicino al confine con il Myanmar. E' chiamata "Daonoi" in Thailandia, che significa piccola stella. Il Pogostemon helferi é una pianta d'acquario inusuale e distintiva per la sua compattezza, le foglie curve e il bellissimo colore verde. Con condizioni di buona luce e un substrato ricco di nutrienti questa pianta formerà molti getti laterali, che sviluppano piccole radici, e la pianta formerà rapidamente un incredibile tappeto di fitta vegetazione.
This plant was discovered by aquarists in Thailand, close to the border with Burma. It is called 'Daonoi' (little star) in Thailand, and it is easy to see why. Pogostemon helferi is an unusual and distinctive aquatic plant with a compact habit, curly leaves and a strikingly beautiful green colour. With good light conditions and a substrate rich in nutrients Pogostemon helferi forms many side shoots, which develop small roots, and the plant rapidly forms an impressive carpet of foreground vegetation.
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Utricularia graminifolia
L'Utricularia graminifolia appartiene alla famiglia delle piante carnivore. Tutte le piante di questa famiglia mangiano insetti, piante eemerse e acque perenni. Le trappole sono una caratteristica unica di questa famiglia e sono formate dopo un breve periodo in acquario. Il nome della pianta significa "con foglie simili ad erbq" e le fresche e verdi foglie dopo un breve periodo formano un denso tappeto erboso. Questa pianta é ideale per formare prati in acquario.
Utricularia graminifolia belongs to the bladderwort family. All the plants in this family are insect eating, perennial water and marsh plants. Bladder traps are a unique feature of this family, which Utricularia graminifolia forms after a short period of time in the aquarium. The species name means 'with grass like leaves' and the fresh green leaves after a short period of time form a pretty mat which looks like a lawn. Utricularia graminifolia is therefore an ideal foreground plant.
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Utricularia graminifolia belongs to the bladderwort family. All the plants in this family are insect eating, perennial water and marsh plants. Bladder traps are a unique feature of this family, which Utricularia graminifolia forms after a short period of time in the aquarium. The species name means 'with grass like leaves' and the fresh green leaves after a short period of time form a pretty mat which looks like a lawn. Utricularia graminifolia is therefore an ideal foreground plant.
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Alternanthera reineckii
Il viola presente nella parte inferiore delle foglie di questa pianta crea un impressionante contrasto con le altre piante d'acquario - sporattutto se piantate in gruppi. Una buona luce incoraggerà le foglie al colore rosso. E' facile da propagare tagliando la parte terminale degli steli. Questo porta la pianta madre ad assumere una forma maggiormente cespugliosa grazie alla nascita di getti laterali.
The purple colour underneath Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' leaves provides an effective contrast to the many green plants in an aquarium - particularly when planted in groups. Good light encourages the leaves to turn red. Easy to propagate by nipping off the terminal bud and planting it in the bottom. This also makes the mother plant more bushy, because more side shoots are formed.
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The purple colour underneath Alternanthera reineckii 'Pink' leaves provides an effective contrast to the many green plants in an aquarium - particularly when planted in groups. Good light encourages the leaves to turn red. Easy to propagate by nipping off the terminal bud and planting it in the bottom. This also makes the mother plant more bushy, because more side shoots are formed.
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rotala rotundifolia
Il suo nome latino significa "la pianta dalle foglie rotonde". Tuttavia questo é vero solo per le piante cresciute in emersione. In acquario la Rotala rotundifolia ha foglie lunghe e magre. Diversamente dalle altre varietà di Rotala, questa é di facile coltivazione, pur necessitando intensa luce per produrre foglie rosse. La pianta produce getti lateralmente arrivando a formare dei cespugli compatti. Questo significa che la luce arriverà difficilmente alle foglie piu basse e per questo va sfoltita frequentemente. La pianta é nota anche come Rotala indica.
The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves''. But this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. In aquariums Rotala rotundifolia has long, thin leaves. Unlike other Rotala species it is relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red leaves. It forms side shoots willingly, becoming compact and bushy. This also means that it is hard for light to reach the lower leaves, so the plant should be pruned frequently. Also known as Rotala indica.
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The Latin name means "the plant with the round leaves''. But this only applies to the marsh variety, which has circular leaves. In aquariums Rotala rotundifolia has long, thin leaves. Unlike other Rotala species it is relatively undemanding, although it needs good light to produce red leaves. It forms side shoots willingly, becoming compact and bushy. This also means that it is hard for light to reach the lower leaves, so the plant should be pruned frequently. Also known as Rotala indica.
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eleocharis parvula
L'Eleocharis parvula ha steli corti e la sua veloce crescita ne fa una delle migliori piante per la creazione di tappeti erbosi in acquario. Cresce velocemente ed é una pianta relativamente semplice nella coltivazione che necessita tuttavia di una buona illuminazione e un substrato fertilizzato. Puo' essere piantata in piccole porzioni nel substrato ed arrivare a formare un tappeto in poche settimane se le vengono fornite le giuste condizioni di luce. Quando gli steli raggiungono una lunghezza eccessiva possono essere potati fino a 2cm per incentivare la crescita.
Eleocharis parvula has short leaves and fast growth making it one of the most impressive carpet-forming foreground plants. It spreads rapidly by runners. It is a relatively easy and undemanding plant that does best with good light and a nutritious substrate. Can be planted in small portions in the substrate and can form a dense carpet in a matter of weeks given the right lighting and conditions. When the leaves get too long they can be pruned with scissors to about 2cm height, encouraging new growth.
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Eleocharis parvula has short leaves and fast growth making it one of the most impressive carpet-forming foreground plants. It spreads rapidly by runners. It is a relatively easy and undemanding plant that does best with good light and a nutritious substrate. Can be planted in small portions in the substrate and can form a dense carpet in a matter of weeks given the right lighting and conditions. When the leaves get too long they can be pruned with scissors to about 2cm height, encouraging new growth.
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